Während meiner Reisen kreuz und quer durch Asien und wieder zuhause begegne ich unterschiedlichen Arten von Lichtern, natürlichen und künstlichen Lichtern. Nachfolgend habe ich eine Sammlung, dessen was ich bisher gesehen habe, zusammengestellt. Let there be light!

Candles, seen next to the canals in Lijiang, Yunnan, China

Butterlamps in the streets in Kathmandu, Nepal

Candles on our Rowing Boat on the River Ganges, Varanasi, India

Singapore Skyline at night

Symphony of Lights, Hongkong Skyline at night

Huxinting Teahouse, Yu Yuan Garden, Shanghai

Shanghai Skyline at night

Cologne Cathedral „Kölner Dom“ and Hohenzollern Bridge at night
Die Photos mit den Kerzenlichtern gefallen mir am besten. The candle light creates such a warm ambiance…
Vielen Dank für die netten Worte. Thank you so much for the kind words. I love to photograph candles in special places or when they are lovely arranged. I visited your blog and will check it out more in depth.
Nein sprechen ze Deutch, sorry for that and bad spelling. These photos are fabulous, thank you! I will now follow your blog.
Thank you so much for stopping by, for your nice comment and for following my blog.
beautiful photos.
Thank you so much for reading and for your kind words. I will be going to explore your site more in depth as well.
Beautiful shots!
Thank you so much for stopping by and for your comment. I had a look on your blog and will stop by again.
Großartige Fotos! Sie vermitteln eine ganz besondere – sehr unterschiedliche – Atmosphäre der jeweiligen Orte.
Hallo Marie, vielen Dank für Deine netten Worte. Ich habe ganz bewusst Fotos verschiedener Orte in unterschiedlichen Ländern des asiatischen Kontinents gewählt.
the lamps are absolutely amazing… very very beautiful
Thank you so much for your kind words. I will check out your blog more in depth as well.
Soooo tolle Bilder. Deine Nachtaufnahmen sind wirklich wirklich toll.
Vielen Dank für Deinen netten Kommentar, Poldi, und für’s Vorbeischauen. Ich liebe Nachtaufnahmen von anderen Leuten und fotografiere inzwischen selber sehr gerne nachts, da die Stimmung zu dieser Zeit eine ganz besondere und vor allem ganz anders als tagsüber ist.
Nice shots, Vanessa! I really like the Benares candles.
Thank you so much for the nice comment. Yes, Varanasi was something special. We set the candles onto river Ganges afterwards where we have done an early morning and a night boad ride: Both were amazing experiences. I saw, that you have been to India as well. I will definitely stop by your blog again.
Excellent array. Very strong theme.
Thank you so much for the kind words. I will check out your blog more in depth as well.
great photos
Thank you very much for your comment. I guess, you are malaysian or indonesian? It is a shame, that your blog is not in english, otherwise I would take a closer look.
i am indonesian. i’m sorry, my engslish is not good enough. so i write in indonesian
Indonesia must be amazing, one of the countries I haven’t been to yet, but where I definitely want to go. I think, it doesn’t matter in which language you write your blog posts, I just wished I understood your language to be able to read it. My boyfriend only blogs in german because he says that his english is not good enough. My mom who is considering to start a blog as well would only blog in german as well for the same reasons. When travelling in Asia I often wish I spoke and understood more than just ten words in the language of the country to be able to communicate with the locals in their language.