As some of you might have noticed already, there are a few changes on my Blog. About one month ago I have purchased WPML, a Multilanguage Plugin which allows me to operate a multilingual Website. Yes, I have blogged in English and in German since I started my Blog, but until the Middle of June this year I have written my posts in English, added my photos down below and the german version of the article under the bottom. Soon after moving my Blog from to this self-hosted Website I planned to make it more professional and to operate it really bilingual.

You can now change the language of my Blog in the Navigation of my website or in using the english respectively the german National flag in the right sidebar or on the left side of my Blog’s footer.

So far I have conformed about 21 out of 42 of the articles I have written so far and I habe started with the ones which appear in my Slider. I then continued with my latest articles. You find all other posts which I haven’t changed yet, in the german version of my Blog, as before with the English text on top, my photos down below and the german version at the bottom.

Changing my entire previous content with WPML is a lot of work and it might take a while till I have changed all my previous posts, my categories, tags and everything else. Especially getting your previous comments under the respective article in the correct language seems to be a bit tricky. At the moment all comments left before the 15th June 2014 appear under the german version of the respective article. I will do my best to change that, so that the respective comment appears under the article in the right language. Stay tuned, I will inform you once I have changed everything.

WPML doesn’t do the translations for me. I still have to do that myself or I have to hire a translator and pay for the translation of every single text. I am not willed to do that, but intend to translate all posts myself as before. I apologize if there are mistakes, but I am not an English native speaker. I will do my best and try to make as little mistakes as possible.

WPML allows me to operate a multilingual Website

WPML allows me to operate a multilingual Website